Make your business part of the story

You come across a story in the news that puts a spotlight squarely on the issues your business helps to solve. Maybe it echoes the concerns you hear from your clients. Maybe the facts aren’t quite right and the article repeats the myths you hear all the time.

How do you react?

If it’s good, do you share it with a few people or through social media? If it’s not so great, do you get annoyed and close article?

Any time a news story relates to your business or industry, you have an opportunity to become part of the story by responding with your own timely and effective communications.

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Write a response

It’s easier than ever to tell your story. Ten years ago, it was a struggle for a business to get an article published. The most you could have hoped for was to have a letter to the editor printed in the paper.

Now you can write and share your own content. You can take control of your own story through a blog, a video or a podcast. You can share your ideas around the world through your social media feeds.

The goal is to jump on the opportunity. If a story that relates to your business or industry is getting media attention, write your own response:

  • If the story focuses on a problem or an issue, talk about the solutions your business offers.
  • Give the story context by providing the perspective of someone who works through the challenges every day.
  • If you feel the story includes inaccuracies, write a piece that sets the record straight or provides a different view of the issue.

You now have a powerful tool that tells your part of the story. Sharing it through social media can attract a larger audience to your business: sending a link directly to customers can open up a valuable conversation.

Become a part of the conversation

Lots of us love to share articles on social media. Take sharing one step further by adding a comment as you share. Asking your followers for their opinions and stories is another great way to get the conversation going. Some posts may not garner a single response. Others may spark an interesting and lively debate.

You can also offer to be a resource to the media if a topic is gaining or sustaining interest. If you don’t know any reporters, you can sign up to be a resource through a site like

Continue the conversation

You’ve done all this work to tell your part of the story, how else can you use the information you’ve gathered?

  • What other stories can you tell that will help to educate your clients and the public about other important issues or ideas? What other blog posts would work?
  • Is there a case study you can write to show how your business can help solve a problem?
  • Are there customer testimonials that can show just how valuable your services can be?

Being part of the conversation is much better than watching from the sidelines. If you see a story that relates to your business, this is your opportunity to make an impression. Give your perspective and talk about how your business offers a solution. Tell your own story rather than letting others make it up for you.

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